Secrets to landing a new job with a simple and effective job search.

If you’re a job seeker who submits a lot of job applications on any given day and you measure your job search effectiveness by how many jobs that you are applying for—this advice may be for you.
Are you qualified?
Apply for jobs that you are qualified for. This doesn’t mean that you only apply for jobs that are in your current industry. You may have highly, sought-after and transferable skills that are in a new line of work. Think quality over quantity when it comes to applications. Massive amounts of applications will be a drain on your time and energy. Targeting career opportunities where you are a strong candidate will result in more responses and interviews.
What does your resume say?
Resumes are like magic. They can unlock a lot of doors with potential employers. Before the internet age, elaborate graphics or colored pages were used in hopes that they would get the attention of a recruiter or hiring manager. Today’s reality is a lot different, as much of the hiring process is online. Applications submitted online go through various platforms. Some are simple PDF uploads and others go through highly sophisticated technology systems that scour the resume for keywords. Either way, you will want to align your resume with the job descriptions and qualifications on the job. Demonstrate that you have the skills that the company is looking for by using the keywords that are applicable to your experience. Resumes that are quick, clear cut and professional will see a lot more responses. It’s important to include just the right amount of information — not too much and not too little. Stick with a clear and concise resume format. Likewise, if a company has a laborious unrealistic application process, requiring too much information or spotty questionnaires, it may be an indicator of the company culture. 60% of candidates quit their application process because it’s too long. You will want to submit your resume to top-notch companies that look at the hiring process from a candidate’s point of view. You will want to work for a company that respects your time.
Are you engaged with a resourceful recruiter?
Work directly with an experienced recruiter; someone who has seen 1,000’s of resumes, has a quality book of clients and is trustworthy. This can ensure that you are using your time wisely. Successful recruiters take a personal approach to the job search process. They actively seek to really understand you and what your professional and personal needs are. A great recruiter will take the time to know you, not simply submit your resume to fill a slot. They will ask you questions about what motivates you, what kind of work-life balance is ideal for your personal situation, and what your long-term professional goals are. They will dig into your experience and uncover talents or characteristics about you that you may not have realized about yourself. An effective recruiter will know the job market and be highly aware of what skills are in demand. They will also know their clients’ detailed technical and cultural expectations.
Are you looking for career opportunities that are not on typical job boards? Many jobs are filled before they are posted online. Some of the best jobs are never advertised. You will want a resourceful recruiter who has the inside track with potential employers, who is your advocate, and can put you in front of a hiring manager before a job listing goes online. This is a case of who you know, not what you know. If you are a recent college grab you may not have worked with a recruiter before. Don’t hesitate to explore this option in your job search. Keep in mind that relying on technology alone to get you in front of a decision-maker is limiting.
Do you have a good job search record-keeping system?
Keep careful records of the all jobs you are applying for. If you have applied for hundreds of jobs and get a phone call, you’ll need to be able to quickly pull up notes from your research on the company, hiring managers and includes detailed information about the job. Don’t get caught flat-footed. Quickly recalling a job description and the details about a job will demonstrate your interest in a company and its needs. Hiring managers want to know that you truly are interested in working for their company.
Finally and equally important, pay attention to your LinkedIn profile since many recruiters and hiring managers will take a peek once they get their hands on your resume and/or application. You will want your resume and Linkedin to mirror each other. Confirm that the companies that you have worked for, dates, and job titles match your resume so that there are no questions regarding your background and timeline.
Contact a recruiter here! We can’t wait to meet you!